If you have any questions or need information, please contact us via the official Viber, WhatsApp or Telegram of the Temple of the Holy Spirit (Universal Church in Ukraine).
After proving your donation, if you wish, send your proof to the official telephone number of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in Ukraine, +38(099) 757 94 79, through the “WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram“.
If you also want to send your name or prayer request, you can do so using the applications above.
All requests will be placed in daily prayers so that God gives you the conditions to always sponsor His Work.
Proverbs 11:25 “A generous soul will prosper, and he who listens will also be answered.”
The website helpcenter24.org and “Templo do Espírito Santo” DO NOT access and DO NOT store any information about you, your account numbers or wallets. Thanks to your support, the Temple of the Holy Spirit in Ukraine fulfills the mission of evangelization that God has entrusted to each of us.